Your friends are not using MyDuty even though you created a group?? ;(
In this case, you can create "Hamster". "Hamster" is an imaginative friend and he/she has his own duty schedules.
Shall we make "Hamster", and sign him up to my group??
1. Touch "Settings" tab
2. Touch cute "Hamster"
3. Touch "New Hamster"
Wow!! You have got a hamster friend. Now, let me sign the hamster up to my group.
1. Touch "Settings" tab
2. Touch cute "Hamster"
3. Touch "Hamster" you created
4. Touch "Join a group"
Finally, the hamster has been join to the group. Now you going to enter the duty of the hamster friends.
1. Touch "Calendar" tab
2. Touch the date you want to enter duty of hamster
3. Touch hamster
4. Enter Hamster's duties.