Let's add your duties to the MYDUTY calendar.
Select the '+' icon in the upper right corner of the calendar screen.
Choose the duty button that corresponds to the date, input your duty, and then click 'Save.'
Once you save your duty, it will be automatically shared with all groups.
Did you save your duty, but it's not appearing in the 'Member Duty' screen?
A temporary network issue may prevent your duties from syncing with the groups. Please check your network status and try saving your duty again.
If your duty isn't shared with specific groups, verify the 'Duty Share' status.
On MYDUTY's 'Member Duty' screen, there's a 'Share' icon to the right of the group name. By selecting this icon, you can choose whether to share your duty.
You can also modify the 'Duty Share' status by selecting the group and then clicking the 'Group Menu' icon in the Group tab.